Monday, September 29, 2008

Hey! Did you know...

...we here at the Skypatrol headquarters get fan mail? Yup it's true & you can send some too. And the leader will get back to you. Keep scrolling down to get the latest on what fans have to say about BIRDSEYE.

Hey Birdseye!

ADMINBIRD: Wait up! Before you go for lunch, you've got mail! A whole bunch of mail!

Oh, well I guess...

BIRDSEYE: Lunch can wait! Let's see what compliments & kind words we have here today. Let's see this one's from ... the ... good It says...

Dear Leader

BIRDSEYE: Um... You are the best! You are gorgeous, strong, brave, intelligent-
ADMINBIRD: Birdseye, you've got the letter upside down. Would you like me to help you with that?

Why sure little buddy...

BIRDSEYE: Read it, go for it.
ADMINBIRD: Dear Birdseye, Hello old chum. It's real swell to see you up & running again. As a leader you are terrific.

Why thank-you fan

BIRDSEYE: Always a pleasure go on.
ADMINBIRD: I see that beak of yours is looking real shiney & straight these days too. That reconstructive surgery you got looks real snazzy.

Oh yes, yes...

BIRDSEYE: That's because in Vol. 1 I fell into a trash can & it messed my beak up pretty bad. But I'm doing fine now actually. Thanks for asking. I can breath so clearly now too. Go on keep reading.

Um maybe we should ...

ADMINBIRD: finish reading this later- you know after lunch maybe?

Don't be silly...

BIRDSEYE: There's nothing more I love on earth than positive feedback like this. Please lunch can wait, go on.

Um.. o.k. then...

ADMINBIRD: And if you want that beak of yours to stay that way Birdseye. I strongly recommend that you cough up that 10 grand you owe us for fixin' you up. Or perhaps you & your beak would like to recieve another procedure that me & my staff specialize in. It's called brass knuckle therapy...


BIRDSEYE: I'll just take that letter from you now & see to it that it get's a proper response, right after lunch.

Birdseye there's some angry birds at the door

ADMINBIRD: right now & they're yelling they want their money NOW!

And that my friends concludes...

BIRDSEYE: our mail session for today. Me & Adminbird are late for lunch & must go right now. Keep the positive feedback rolling in we really appreciate it. Until next time...

Come on little buddy...

BIRDSEYE: Let's take to the skies. Those elevators just take too damn long.

Hang on there pal...

BIRDSEYE: It's off to the moon we go!
ADMINBIRD: Sounds good boss!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Artist of this blog

Done in gel ink. It's a Bluebird production.

Artist of the day

Shouts out to J-Bird in Colorado. A.K.A my #1 fan on earth. We love your birdly style. Keep up the fine work!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Good morning world!

It's Dig Dig Digger the bird THE BIRD! This little fella has been by my side through thick & thin. Truly the most honorable & loyal soldier in the Skypatrol army. And really my only friend. So chirps out to my Dog DIGGER!!! Chirps, woof!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hummingbird woman am I

Hey gang! I've got a new vehicle to get from the moon to earth. Pretty cool huh? It's called a hummer & it's one smooth ride. Which is good cause my little buddy Adminbird is prone to motion sickness.
So you can credit the skilled & talented Bluebird who captured this image at the break of dawn as we were hovering down to earth. She drew this in gel ink & really captured the momment don't you think?

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